Ruby on Rails Development Services

Ruby on Rails

After over 15 years in the IT landscape, Ruby on Rails remains a powerful tool for Web application development. Confide in RoR and build a quick MVP or a scalable enterprise platform with ease.

Ruby on Rails

Why choose Ruby on Rails?
You can’t talk about Ruby without mentioning Rails - the web framework that squeezes the most out of Ruby. Ruby on Rails is like Batman and Robin-only together that make an unbeatable team.

When used by experienced developers who are well-versed in building apps in Rails, RoR’s maturity combined with excellent tooling, libraries, and community support makes addressing most of the pressing issues a rather straightforward affair.

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It’s opinionated
Ruby on Rails promotes good practices and standards of web development like TDD or the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle which vastly quickens development.
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It’s versatile
What is Ruby on Rails used for? From simple MVPs to traffic-heavy apps and complex databases. RoR allows for building sleek and powerful products for various areas and industries.
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It’s stable
Rails stands out as a full-fledged technology that has been in use since 2004. It offers stability that directly translates into successful, hassle-free maintenance for years.
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It’s time efficient
Due to clear, simple, and a lean code-base, you are able to create an MVP in no time. RoR is also a good choice if you’re on a tight budget and under tight deadlines.
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It’s supported
In the last 15+ years, the RoR community has created a large ecosystem of “gems” - over 150k out-of-the-box solutions that can be incorporated into your project making development much faster.
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It’s trusted
Not only it’s easy to debug, but it also has a big community base. It’s used by both Fortune 500 companies and innovative startups.
Photo of developers

At Reweto RoR is like a mother tongue - it’s been with us since the beginning in 2015

Rails is a great tool in itself, but it’s much more important who wields it. At Monterail RoR is like a mother tongue - it’s been with us since the beginning in 2010.

Having built over 100 RoR products, we know it inside and out. The pool of Rails-based apps we delivered ranges from Ruby on Rails eCommerce to award-winning employee engagement software. Our expertise translates into proven practices and development solutions for your product. Confide in our cherry-picked team and the rest will follow.

Cooleaf Study

Cooleaf is an employee incentive program platform where team members can recognize each other's extraordinary efforts and reward them.

Within just two months, Cooleaf received a Minimum Viable Product built with Ruby on Rails and could immediately begin to look for market fit. Over the course of our 10-year-long collaboration, Cooleaf grew from a startup to a profitable B2B product.

It appeals to corporate-level organizations such as Citibank and the Turner Broadcasting System and has now more than 50k active users. Their mobile app for iOS and Android was named Best B2B App at the 2016 Atlanta Mobile Awards.


Afriwise Study

Afriwise is Africa's largest and most advanced legal know-how platform. It revolutionizes how companies can access critical legal and business intelligence and makes doing business in Africa more affordable and accessible.

The client’s idea turned into a highly performant, secure, and accessible online platform that helps navigate the legal and regulatory maze on the African market.

Its flexible database allows continuous expansion, listing over 100 law firms, 3000 experts, and 4000 logins since 2019. Afriwise has won multiple awards and a private million-euro investment.


Craig Brown is head of technology at Reweto. Book a free consultation with Criag and resolve any questions you have regarding your project's next steps in development. His broad expertise covers multiple technologies and deep development experience.

Craig Brown


Read more about Ruby on Rails

Here are a couple of blog posts that will allow you to dive deeper into the subject. And if you have any questions - just ask us!